MCA seminar proceedings released

Front cover of Vidya MCA Seminar Proceedings 2018

This is something unique to the MCA Dept of Vidya. This is an activity which no other MCA Dept of any other college in Kerala is doing: collecting the seminar reports of MCA students into one single volume and publishing it as seminar proceedings. Dr Saji C B, Principal, released the third such seminar proceedings in a small function held in the College Auditorium on 27 April 2019.

The proceedings titled “Proceedings of Vidya MCA Departmental Seminar 2019 (VMCADS 2019)” and spread over 125 pages, contains 21 research/expository papers prepared by S5 MCA (2016 admissions) batch of students.

Learning objectives

The syllabus specifies the objective of the seminar course as follows: “To enable the students to gain knowledge in any of the technically relevant current topics on computer science/information technology/research, and acquire the confidence in presenting the topic and preparing a report.” As part of the course, each student is expected to undertake a detailed study on a technically relevant current topic in computer science/information technology under the supervision of a faculty member, by referring articles published in reputed journals/conference proceedings. Each student has to submit a seminar report, based on these papers; the report must not be reproduction of any original paper. The topic has to be presented taking a duration of 15 – 20 minutes. The report and slides for presentation has to be prepared using free typesetting software such as LaTeX.

The reports/papers collected in this volume are the study papers prepared by the students and presented in the Departmental Seminar conducted during 22 – 23 November 2018. As part of the learning process, the students were also required to present the paper in the IEEE conference paper format. To facilitate this, the students were given a basic introduction to the LATEX software and the IEEEtran document style.

In addition to gaining knowledge in any of the technically relevant current topics on computer science/information technology/research, the course also aimed at giving the students a hands on experience in preparing a conference/seminar paper.