ME Dept organizes three-day online Faculty Development Program ‘Empowers Educators in Advanced Materials’

In a bid to enrich the expertise of faculty members and foster collaboration in the realm of advanced materials, the Mechanical Engineering department hosted a comprehensive three-day online Faculty Development Program (FDP) christened ‘Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications,” during 18-20 March 2024. The program, titled “. The FDP was aimed to equip educators with the latest knowledge and skills in the field of composite materials.

Inaugural Ceremony Sets the Tone for Knowledge Exchange

The inaugural ceremony, held on 18 March 2024 marked the commencement of the enlightening program. Dr Rakesh Hari (Professor, HoD , ME Dept) extended a warm welcome to participants, emphasizing the significance of the FDP in advancing academic pursuits. Dr Saji C B (Principal) delivered an inspiring presidential address, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing scientific knowledge.

Mr Shankar R (Asst Prof, ME Dept) introduced the chief guest. Dr Praveen K M (Associate Professor, Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Ernakulam) formally inaugurated the program,setting the stage for three days of insightful discussions and knowledge exchange. Felicitations were extended by Mr Suresh Lal (Executive Director,VICT) and Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean-Academics) acknowledging the significance of the initiative in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

In-depth Deliberations on Advanced Materials

The FDP featured a line-up of distinguished speakers who shared their expertise on various facets of advanced materials:

Dr Praveen K M elucidated on “Engineering Composite Materials for High-Performance Applications,” providing attendees with a deep understanding of the engineering intricacies involved in composite materials and their applications in high-performance scenarios.

Dr N Ramachandran (former head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at NITC) captivated the audience with his presentation on “Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications,” drawing from his rich experience to discuss the relevance of advanced materials in various engineering disciplines.

Dr Suraj K Prabha (Professor, ME Dept) delved into the realm of “FRP Composite Materials and Its Applications,” shedding light on the characteristics and versatile applications of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites in engineering.

Mr Shins K (Reserach Scholar, IIT Chennai) explored the fascinating domain of “Photo elasticity,” offering participants insights into this optical phenomenon and its significance in material analysis and structural mechanics.

Empowering Educators for Future Endeavours

The FDP not only provided participants with a platform to expand their knowledge but also facilitated networking and collaboration opportunities. Participants engaged in lively discussions, sharing their experiences and insights, and forging connections with peers and industry experts. As the program concluded on March 20, participants expressed their gratitude for the enriching experience and pledged to apply the newfound knowledge and skills in their academic pursuits and research endeavours.

The three-day online FDP on Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications served as a testament to the institution’s dedication to academic enrichment and collaborative learning, setting the stage for future advancements in the field of materials science and engineering.

The FDP was co-ordinated by Dr Bhavin K Bharth (Coordinator, Asso Prof, ME Dept) and Mr Sarath Babu Ramachandran (Co-Coordinator, Asso Prof, ME Dept) under the guidance of Dr Rakesh Hari (Convener, HoD, ME Dept).

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to Dr Rakesh, Dr Bhavin, Mr Sarath and the entire ME Dept on the successful conduct of the FDP that acquires advanced knowledge and pioneering attitude to teaching and learning and exchange of paramount practices in teaching and research !!!