Central Library organizes Extempore Competition on the theme of ‘Election 2024’

Election plays a crucial role especially in a voted form of administration in our country.

With an aim to cultivate a deeper perceptive and create discourse regarding the comprehensive aspects of elections and important impact on independent governance among younger generation , Vidya Central Library in association with Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) and Association of Vidya Alumni (AVA) organized an Extempore competition with the theme of ‘Election 2024’ on 18 April 2024.

The episode of Extempore was held within the campus depicted a vibrant crowd of students from various departments.
Students from varied academic backgrounds actively participated in the event, which witnessed an affluent exchange of thoughts and perspectives on the given topic ‘Vote is Power and Voter is Powerful’.

Prize Name Sem & Branch 
First Avani K Shine S2, CSE Dept
Suraj Shaju Meledath S6, EEE Dept
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in extending hearty Congratulations to Avani and Suraj on this impressive feat that voices ingenious ideas with diligence as Vidya’s best orators !!!