Internal Smart India Hackathon 2024

Vidya offers numerous platforms to highlight the students’ technical skills and underscore their commitment to solving real-world challenges.

The SIH Internal Hackathon at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology together with IEDC brought 132 students from various departments in a high-energy 24-hour event that blended both online and offline collaboration. Held from August 29 -30, 2024, the hackathon showcased the ingenuity of 22 teams as they tackled pressing real-world problems.

The event kicked off with teams diving into their projects from 11:00 pm to 12:45 am, followed by a lunch break. After a brief respite, participants resumed their work in offline mode until 4:00 pm. The hackathon then shifted to online mode, allowing teams to continue developing their solutions through the night.

The final submissions were presented on 30 August 2024 between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. A panel of judges including Mr Anil M (Asst Prof, ECE Dept), Ms Thulasi Rajan K (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) and Ms Sreekala R (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) evaluated each project, assessing them on creativity, feasibility, and potential impact. The evaluation process concluded  with the judges engaging in detailed discussions with the teams.

The problem statements addressed during the Hackathon were drawn from the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) website and included critical areas such as women safety, agriculture, and tourism. Teams presented innovative solutions aimed at enhancing security for women, improving agricultural practices, and boosting tourism experiences.

The hybrid format of the Hackathon allowed for a dynamic exchange of ideas and showcased the students’ ability to adapt and collaborate in various environments.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending heartiest appreciations to to the entire CSE Dept and IEDC Team on the blooming conduct of the session that serves a remarkable platform for students to implement  creativity and reaffirming Vidya’s commitment to fostering innovation and practical problem solving !!!