250 NSS volunteers join Samoohika Sannadha Sena of Kerala Govt

“Samoohika Sannadha Sena” is an organisation of volunteers constituted by Govt of Kerala to provide help and mitigation to people during crisis situations like great natural disasters, spread of pandemics, etc. The aim is to have approximately one volunteer for every 100 people. The Govt is planning to provide training to these volunteers in making appropriate responses at the times of crises situations. Any healthy individual aged between 16 and 65 years can be a member of the organisation by registering themselves through the portal of the Sannadha Sena.

Around 250 NSS volunteers of Vidya have already registered to become members of Sannadha Sena. A really good beginning. Those who are interested in knowing more about the organisation may read the Govt Order creating the organisation at the link http://sannadhasena.kerala.gov.in/pdf/go_dmvtf.pdf.


