‘S-Fiesta 2023’ Finals to conduct on 15 September 2023

To address scrupulous solutions for rebuilding Kerala in view of unequaled calamities experienced by the state for the past few years, Vidya is hosting a Science & GK Competition for Higher Secondary Students ‘S-Fiesta 2023’ with attractive prizes

First Prize Rs 20,000/-
First Runner up Rs 10,000/-
Second Runner up Rs 5,000/-
Consolation Prize Rs 1,000/- (each for 10 Students)

The preliminary round was conducted in respective schools.  Vidya identifies the finalists and the final will be held as per the schedule

Date   : 15  September 2023  Time  : 09.00 am Venue : Vidya Academy of Science and Technology
The topics for the competition include Physics, Chemistry. Mathematics and Rebuild Kerala

Points of Contact

Dr Bhavin K Bharath  (Asst Prof, ME Dept 94472 05706
Ms Fetsy K Francis  (Asst Prof, ECE Dept)  90379 86238
Ms Ardra P Nair (Asst Prof, CE Dept) 70253 33059
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending best wishes to all ‘S-Fiesta’ finalists that endows with an exceptional opening and platform to uphold self-reinforcing and display their acquaintance across a ample range of subjects . All the Best !!!