Google Developer Students Club (DSC) of Vidya hosts live streaming of DSC Summit at Goa

The Google Developer Students (DSC) Summit, an annual conference for the DSC Clubs across India, was conducted during 23 – 25 August 2019 at The Leela, Goa. Hemanth Janesh, the DSC Lead for Vidya attended the event. The club conducted a viewing party at the college for the benefit of the members of the Club.  The seminars and talks held at the Summit were live streamed during the viewing party.

Students from S3 and S7 B Tech CSE attended the event. The event was conducted from 9 am to 2 pm on 23 August 2019 at Advanced Computing Lab. A quiz competition was also conducted at the end of the event. Arjun Raghunandanan and Ciril P Thomas of S3 B tech CSE batches were declared as the winners of the competition.